Getting started
Your business details
- What is an NZBN?
- Verifying your account
- How to update your Business details
- How to update the locations you are subscribed to
- How to update the trades you're subscribed to
- How to write a great 'About your Business' description
Chasing job leads
- What do the additional job details mean?
- What is a token?
- How are token values decided for each job?
- How can I change my notifications?
- How do I send an introduction note to the homeowner?
- How do leads work?
Managing your jobs
- How do I find the homeowner’s phone number?
- Can I send a quote through Builderscrack?
- How do I claim a job?
- Do I need a contract with the homeowner?
- Can I ask for a deposit?
- Where has my Direct Enquiry gone?
- What do you do with my Google review data?
- How do I import my Google reviews?
- How do I disconnect my Google reviews?
- How is my BC Rating calculated?
- How do reviews work?
- What is my review summary?
Billing and payment
- What does ‘Recharge’ mean?
- How do tiered success fees work?
- Can I invoice the homeowner using Builderscrack?
- How do I find out my account balance or see the invoices I’ve paid?
- Why are you charging me GST on top of GST?
- How do I pay my Builderscrack invoice?
- How does click to reveal work?
- What is a Profile?
- How do I edit my Profile?
- How can I share my Profile?
- How do I hide my contact details on my Public Profile?
- How do Homeowners find my Profile?
Managing your subscriptions
- What happens if I bring forward my tokens?
- How do I know if I'm on a Connection Plan or a Success Plan?
- Do tokens expire?
- How do I find my token balance?
- What is a token pack?
- What is token overage?
BC Tips
- How do you win jobs when you’re new to Builderscrack?
- Tips for engaging with homeowners
- How can I get more leads?
- What is TradeRank?
- Posting a job from your trade account
- Add Builderscrack to your safe sender list