We’re excited to announce a new feature on our Profiles product, Direct Enquiry.
We’ve expanded Profiles with a new feature called Direct Enquiry.
Potential clients can now send their job details directly to you using the ‘Contact tradie’ button on your Profile.
What the homeowner sees
What you’ll see
Why we’re excited about Direct Enquiry
There's no chasing
The client has personally contacted you, so if you receive a Direct Enquiry and you're interested in the job, simply click ‘Connect with homeowner’.
Zero success fees
There’s no charge to making a connection or completing a job through Direct Enquiry.
Better time management
If you're busy on site and receive a call from a potential client, link them to your Profile and they can fill out the Direct Enquiry with job details and photos. That way, you’ll be able to see the job and connect with them at a time that works for you.
More reviews
Get a review for every job done. When you get a job through Direct Enquiry, the review will appear on your Profile.
Next steps
How do you access Direct Enquiries?
All tradespeople can receive Direct Enquiries, but you’ll need to be subscribed to an Advantage or Business package to accept the enquiry and connect with the homeowner.
For faster delivery of Direct Enquiries, make sure you download our app and receive push notifications. Available from the App Store or Google play.
Thanks again for your continued support.
The BC Team