If your account is in token overage it means:
- The token value of your successful connections has exceeded your available tokens. You now have a negative token balance.
- If you have requested to connect on lead invites and haven’t been connected yet, you can still be connected while in overage. Tokens will be deducted and will contribute to your overage amount.
- You will continue to receive lead invites, but you can’t express interest in the job while in overage.
How to clear your overage & start chasing again
Check if you have a token allocation available to bring forward
- Check your token balance page to see if you have an allocation you can bring forward to clear your token overage.
If you don't have a token allocation available to bring forward
- Your account is now in a ‘recharge period’ of 7 days. View your token balance and usage history here.
- During the recharge period, you have 7 days to recharge your tokens. You can do this by selecting one of these options:
- Upgrade your plan
If you frequently use more tokens than your connection plan allocates, or that you use your tokens quickly; consider upgrading to a plan with more tokens.
- Buy a token pack
Token packs are a great option for a quick token boost, especially if you’re close to your next plan rollover.
You can take action on your Plan page.
What happens after the recharge period?
The recharge period is 7 days. If your account is still in overage after this period, we will automatically charge an invoice to your credit or debit card to clear the overage amount.