If you have added your contact details, such as your phone number, email or website address to your Business Description, they will be hidden and appear as ---.
I'm chasing a job - how do homeowners see my contact details?
- If you are chasing a job and have been granted contact, your phone number is visible to the homeowner within the 'Phone' tab of the job messaging page. This means it's always readily available to the homeowner.
- If you have put any of your contact details into a message to the homeowner, these details will be visible and are not hidden.
Why can't I show my contact details on my public Profile?
If you have entered contact details within the Business Description section, these will be hidden - see the image below.
To have your contact details visible on your public profile, you need to be an Advantage subscriber. You can then complete the Contact Details of your public profile. See the image below -