You may notice some instruction to "interact soon" on your active jobs list, or a block on your next chase if we think you've got too many open jobs that need updating, i.e. no recent activity.
We've got a few checks and reminders working in the background to make sure jobs keep moving and aren't forgotten about. As long as you're staying engaged and responsive with your active jobs, you may not even notice anything different.
What you need to do:
- Stay engaged and responsive on your active jobs. Keep job details up to date and record any discussions with the homeowner using the messaging feature. If it's been longer than a month since you last talked, send a message to check-in.
- Use the "Extend" button. This tells our system that you're still interested in keeping the job open for another month, no extra detail needed.
- Make sure your jobs are awarded through the website. Our system looks at how many jobs you've connected with, compared to those you have secured.
We know that some jobs can take time to finalise - we want to provide tools to help you easily manage your pipeline. If your job is eligible for success fees, have you checked out how flexible invoicing works ?