It can be frustrating to receive a review you feel is unfair or misrepresentative of the job’s details.
We offer our users the opportunity to review tradespeople based on their responsiveness and professionalism – even if the tradesperson was not awarded the job in the end. If you’ve interacted on a job, then they can review you, so it’s important to remain professional in all your engagements.
Builderscrack can remove the review under the following circumstances
- The homeowner asks us to remove or amend the review.
- You didn't carry out the work but your workmanship has been reviewed.
- The review contains major inaccuracies which can be undeniably proven.
What if these don't apply to you?
Your best course of action is to either contact the homeowner and ask them to reconsider their review, or to post a carefully considered response.
How to respond to a bad review
- Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism
- Keep your response concise, fair and measured
- Consider how your response will be perceived by other homeowners
- All reviews are ‘pending’ for 7 days from the time they are placed before becoming visible to the public, and you have the opportunity to respond within this timeframe.